- Redid Header
- Added Hamburger Menu.
- Move templates into load menu.
- Move FAQ into help menu.
- Move disclaimer into about.
- Make changes and todo separate.
- Added link to github.
- Added link back for medicationforall.
- Added about dialog.
- Added author to cards.
- Added item slot icons to hero cards.
- Added a bunch of new keywords.
- Slightly modified the regular expression for finding integer variable keywords so that Potion Stash X works correctly.
- Restored Todo History.
- Removed Helpful wizard button.
- The card image is now draggable.
- Organized the option selects.
- Minus now works as a modifier.
- Added an all affinity.
- Removed flavor text from being displayed for timeout and command card.
- Timeout card back is now a duplicate of the card front.
- Made form Abilities drag handler helper larger.
- Changed mouse pointer to indicate drag and drop on form abilities.
- Improved green region color gradient.
- Added region color to timeout cards.
- fixed loading template without region color causing display bugs.
- Add command card option.
- Add timeout card option.
- Add Arcade card option.
- Abilities can now display name only and definition only.
- Ability form controly dynamically appear and disappear based in ability type chosen.
- Option to show keyword as definition on item / loot.
- Paper cut fixes.
- Added templates for treasure, and wonder cards.
- Update area effect keyword descriptions.
- Add keywords for trap types - line, area, scatter.
- fix set keywords on load for undefined values.
- fix set orientation on load for undefined values.
- add flavor text to explore cards.
- Added Description only for Ability type.
- Added Creep Spawn as an avatar option for Explore Cards.
- Save / load creep spawn count.
- Keywords on back of card are now displayed in alphabetical order.
- Changed the html title.
- added meta description.
- added meta keywords.
- redid button icons.
- added action as a modifier.
- added move as a modifier.
- fixed poison icon cutoff.
- Add Heart Modifier.
- Add Shield Modifer.
- Update potion icons.
- Fixed - ability sort doesn't work for loot cards.
- Keywords with X modifiers now work. Missile, Potion, Compel, Reach, Lance, Spray, Range, Magic, Sweep, Cross, Throw, Burst, Pull, Push, Wave, Heal, and Aura.
- Modifed keyword icon stlying so that they align better - fire, poison, ice, bane, hex, dangerous, augment, knockdown, slow.
- Increased default Ability definition width.
- Made STR ARM WILL DEX hopefully easier to read.
- Added css animations.
- Styled the form to look more uniform across browsers.
- Keyword Editor dialog.
- Ability to hide keyword definitions.
- Ability to provide custom keywords with descriptions.
- Boo Booty icon for Keyword Editor.
- Validation check to make sure a name is provided for Keyword Editor.
- Set character limits for keyword Editor Dialog inputs.
- Ordered sort of keywords is now case insensitive.
- Save / load custom keywords.
- Fixed - rename broken icons.
- Added the requested Ninja All-Star Background.
- Added an additional 21 backgrounds.
- Added a FAQ section.
- Restyled the top links.
- Drag and drop on abilities to change order.
- Refactor how save works to only save what's needed.
- Stubbed out comment blocks.
- local avatars are now saved as part of the json file so that they can be passed along with the file.
- load image flip flag.
- save load new image controls correctly.
- In a range and dice modifier zero (0) should be replaced with a space .
- Use icons provided by Goblin-king.
- Update Ice icon.
- Remove left padding for abilities for loot treasure wonder and explore cards.
- css styling for links.
- Add help for stats block.
- Add help for ability block.
- Code cleanup on Form.js.
- Fixed - stats that have an empty value are getting re-displayed on card type change.
- Emptying the STR ARM WILL or DEX stat now removes the stat from display entirely.
- Fix Dex stat showing up on the pet card.
- Removed extra flavor text div.
- Changed Keyword Font / Size.
- Increased dice icon sizes in abilities.
- Increased ability name font size.
- Increased ability definiton font size.
- Get stats parser working with regular expression.
- fix stats to work with numbers greater than 9.
- cleaned up stat class.
- Ability cost of zero display nothing but the icon.
- Changed Ability cost min to 0.
- Built out more image controls allowing for local / remote / and default image selection.
- Fixed sizing issue when no abilities were present for loot, treasure, and wonder cards.
- Started Explore Card Template.
- Resize affinity in item stat.
- Moved Affinity check to use regular rexpression.
- Add Amethyst Affinity.
- Rough Sapphire and Ruby layouts for Treasure and Loot cards.
- Rough wonder card layout.
- save /load item stats.
- save / load orientation.
- Title / sub title set max character limit.
- Keyword List set max character limit.
- Rough emerald, and citrine loot and treasure cards.
- Increased the font size for STR WILL DEX ARM.
- process affinity in item stat.
- add orientation selector.
- add ability div to card.
- add keyword.
- stubbed out creating wonder cards.
- wire orientation selector.
- smaller base silhoutte image for treasure and loot.
- Added special as an ability type.
- re-worked regular expressions.
- fixed keywords - specifically Bane Aura had a trailing space..
- simplified how keyword store was initilaizing.
- Card Scale is improved.
- character load now removes previously added abilites.
- fixed - Weird bug with loading the royal warden template.
- fixed issue with firefox keeping form data persistant across page reloads.
- Fixed keywords and Ability definiton being vulnerable to xss attack.
- Resolve Stat in Ability definition and Keyword.
- Place dice into keyword description.
- Overhauled how keywords, dice , and stats are being found.
- Set initial size for flavorText form element.
- Updated the fonts to be more accurate using Adalon Bold and Adalon Italic.
- Fixed margin offset issue - seems to have corrected firefox as well.
- Fixed mob being picked up as a keyword before immobile.
- Fixed a formatting issue with ability description overflowing the card.
- fixed bug - switching card types removes user selected image.
- changed card gradients for hero and monster.
- added rough card back for treause and loot.
- cleanup how dom nodes are linked in Form.js
- gui controls to delete abilities.
- css change how the form is displayed.
- Place dice into ability definition.
0.1.6 and prior
- Keywords work - initial version.
- Keyword icons in ability definition.
- Added Favicon.
- Wizard started.
- Update keyword definitions to forgotten king standard.
- Rename saphire to sapphire.
- Add jquery ui min.
- Ability Name no longer uppercased.
- Fixed save bug that was duplicating abilities.
- Fixed how stats were storing initial value.
- Save Flavor Text and monster bit.
- Change Flavor Text to a textarea.
- Place Colon between ability name and description.
- Place icons next to keyword name for back of cards - fire, ice, bane, hex, poison, Knockdown, slow, dangerous, augment.
- Place affinity into keyword definitions - Stealth Aura, Grabby Hands, Soporific Cloud, Fire Aura, Bramble Growth.
- build out card back with keyword support.
- save / load flavor text / and monster bit.